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Posted by Jason Sherrill
Certified Public Accountants handle enormous amounts of sensitive data when working with their business and individual clients, but many CPAs are not aware of the risk that they're subjecting their clients to when they send or receive documents through many common sharing methods today. Let’s look at three of the most common methods by which CPAs unwittingly put customer data at risk.
Posted by Jason Sherrill
This is one of those calls that makes the hair stand up on your neck. A customer calls your service center distressed because she is seeing suspicious looking pop-ups for credit reports, free loans, or unseemly products when she visits your site. She is concerned that your website has been hacked. You have followed good security practices and your trusted security partner has said that there is no malicious code on your website. What could be causing your customer to see this unusual pop-ups touting free credit scores or credit card offers only when she visits your website?