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A blog by InetSolution about programming, security, design and marketing for banks, credit unions and e-commerce.

Making it easier to send big files

At one point or another we've all had the same problem of needing to send someone a big file, only to attach it to an email, hit Send and then BOOM, the email program will return something like,  “Sorry, the file attachment is too large.” Pretty frustrating.

We send and receive a lot of large files every day when working with our awesome clients, configuring servers and even collaborating as a team. Large files are something we deal with every day.

To make sending large, non-sensitive files easier we created a little side project that we've been using internally for a few weeks. To help introduce people to the concept of web-based file sharing, we’ve released Simple File Exchange to the public, for free. Simple File Exchange is little brother to our enterprise secure file sharing system, Secure File Exchange.

Simple File Exchange, as its name implies, makes it silly easy to upload and send a file, large or small, to anyone you want. There’s no software to install & no username and passwords to deal with. It’s drop dead simple.

So give it a try, use it to send files to your coworkers, friends, customers, who ever. Leave us a comment below and let us know how it works for you. We love feedback and want to know how Simple File Exchange could make your life easier. If you need a safe way to send sensitive data to others, then checkout Secure File Exchange instead.

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