Technology Guidance for Bank and Credit Union Professionals

A collection of advice by InetSolution about programming, security, design and marketing for bank and credit union professionals.

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Critical Website Assets Every Bank and Credit Union Must Own

Posted by Jason Sherrill

I work with many new banks and credit unions every month to help them launch new websites, migrate websites into new hosting environments, and help put DDoS mitigation and other security protections in place. A surprising number of the financial institutions that come to us for help are in a very precarious position with regard to ownership and access to the control mechanisms critical web properties, including their domain registrar account and DNS administration. When time is of the essence, not knowing who holds the keys to these web properties can create significant delays in getting services transferred or restored. If you’re a bank or credit union executive responsible for managing disaster recovery or information security risks, you should set aside some time today to ensure that you know who manages these three important assets.

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