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Posted by Jason Sherrill
We here at InetSolution are big TED fans. If you’re not up on the TED movement, check out for a whole array of videos that will move, inspire and intrigue you. I came across one the other day by Bruce Schneier. If you don’t know of Bruce, he does a lot of good thinking and writing on the topic of security. Not just internet security, but what it means in our culture, what its impacts are and how we perceive security as humans.
He was one of the speakers at a regional TEDx hosted at Penn State University. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments.
Posted by Erin Sherrill
At one point or another we've all had the same problem of needing to send someone a big file, only to attach it to an email, hit Send and then BOOM, the email program will return something like, “Sorry, the file attachment is to large.” Pretty frustrating. We've got two solutions for you.